FOI and Declassified PDF

With Kind assistance from Mr T a collection of Declassified and Freedom of Information PDF. Some became withdrawn after terror attacks or disappeared from easy access.

Knowledge is not a crime and Historical data is of little interest to those who would plan such things

Please enjoy

thumbnail of 1945-Franck-Report
Metallurgical report university Chicargo
thumbnail of 57750
Aerial Survey in the Vicinity of Sellafield
thumbnail of essd-7-215-2015
Uk Chernobyl Soil
thumbnail of Analyzing_a_Wipe_Test_Using_a_Survey_Meter

thumbnail of gammaenergies thumbnail of Unredacted Submarinethumbnail of XRF_Periodic_Tablethumbnail of X-rays physic and Sr90 sourcethumbnail of Xray attenuation coefficients from 10kev to 100mevthumbnail of what_to_do_in_a_nuclear_emergencythumbnail of Visions of the Future Chemistry and Lifethumbnail of The Secret of the Hydrogen Bombthumbnail of The Science of JETthumbnail of Thermal Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactors – Tongthumbnail of The Quantum Revolution A Historical Perspectivethumbnail of The Periodic Table of the Elementsthumbnail of The Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Handbookthumbnail of The Advent of Clean Nuclear Fusionthumbnail of The.Quest.for.a.Fusion.Energy.Reactor.An.Insiders.Account.of.the.INTOR.Workshop.Apr.2010thumbnail of Tables of Math, Physics and Chemistry Engineering Handbookthumbnail of Sustainable Nuclear Power – (Malestrom)thumbnail of Subatomic Physicsthumbnail of steam_power_plantsthumbnail of Should Google Go Nuclearthumbnail of Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion – Principles, Practice and New Developmentsthumbnail of Reocomendations for enhancing reactor safetythumbnail of Reactor_Isotopesthumbnail of RADIATION INTERACTION IN MATTER AND DETECTIONthumbnail of Quarks and Leptons An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physicsthumbnail of PRFR Pressurized rotating fusion reactor (Lardenoit reactor) original patent (dutch)thumbnail of PRFR Pressurized rotating fusion reactorthumbnail of Power Plant Engineering – (Malestrom)thumbnail of Power Plant Engineeringthumbnail of Post-Oil Energy Technologythumbnail of Plasma Waves, 2nd Editionthumbnail of Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy, Jeffrey Friedberg – Cambridge University Pressthumbnail of Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics)thumbnail of Plasma_Kineticsthumbnail of Plasma Kineticsthumbnail of Plasma Chemistrythumbnail of Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detectionthumbnail of Particle Physics Third Editionthumbnail of Particle Physics 3rd Edthumbnail of Particle and Astroparticle Physicsthumbnail of Particle Accelerator Physics, 3rd Edition (Springer, 2007)thumbnail of Particle Accelerator Physicsthumbnail of Oxford.University.Press.USA.The.Quest.for.a.Fusion.Energy.Reactor.An.Insiders.Account.of.the.INTOR.Workshop.Apr.2010thumbnail of Our Energy Future -Resources, Alternatives and the Environment (Malestrom)thumbnail of original Lawson reportthumbnail of NUREG_1507thumbnail of nuclide_data_safety_sheetsthumbnail of Nuclear Systems I – Thermal Hydraulic Fundamentals – Todreasthumbnail of Nuclear Systems II – Elements of Thermal Hydraulic Design – Todreasthumbnail of Nuclear Reactor Physicsthumbnail of nuclearpower-update2009thumbnail of nuclearpower-fullthumbnail of Nuclear Physics 2nd Edthumbnail of Nuclear Hydrogen Production Handbook (2011)thumbnail of Nuclear Fusion Research – Understanding Plasma-Surface Interactions (Springer, 2005)thumbnail of Nuclear fusion – half a century of magnetic confinement fusion researchthumbnail of Nuclear Engineering Handbookthumbnail of Nuclear Energy Principles Practices and Prospects Bodansky Springer 2004thumbnail of Nuclear Energy Nowthumbnail of nuclear detection_U_Puthumbnail of Nuclear and Particle Physics – An Introduction, 2nd Edition (2009)neutron generator patentthumbnail of NRL PLASMA FORMULARYthumbnail of Neutron cross sectionthumbnail of MURRAY R. L. – Nuclear Energy. An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes –thumbnail of multiphase_flow_dynamics_4thumbnail of multiphase_flow_dynamics_3thumbnail of multiphase_flow_dynamics_2thumbnail of Mukhopadhyay – Plastic gamma sensors, an application in detection of radioisotopesthumbnail of Mechanical Engineering Handbookthumbnail of Maintenance Engineering Handbook 7th Editionthumbnail of Magnetic plasma expirimentsthumbnail of mag_fieldsthumbnail of Kalij jodid tablete 900433-22_-_Beilage_4_-_Strahlenschutzerlasslsthumbnail of Introduction to plasma physicsthumbnail of Introduction to Nuclear Engineering – Lamarsh – 3rd Editionthumbnail of Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physicsthumbnail of Introduction to High Energy Physics 4th EDthumbnail of Information – Kit Markersthumbnail of Infinite Energy – The Magazine of New Science and Technology #33 (Cold Fusion, Renewable Energy) (2000)thumbnail of Hydrogen Fuel-Energy Today 2010thumbnail of Hydrogen as a Future Energy Carrier – (Malestrom)thumbnail of How to build a nuclear bombthumbnail of Granite_Radioactivethumbnail of Glenn F. Knoll. Radiation Detection and Measurement 3rdthumbnail of Gamma Spec V1thumbnail of GAMMA_SPECTROMETRY_Ge_and_Si_detectorthumbnail of Future Energy Improved, Sustainable and Clean Options for our Planet – (Malestrom)thumbnail of Fusion – The Energy of the Universe – G. McCracken, P. Stott (Elsevier, 2005) WWthumbnail of Fusion – The Energy of the Universethumbnail of Fusion Research – principles, expiriments and technologythumbnail of Fundamentals Of Plasma Physics – Paul M. Bellanthumbnail of Fundamentals of Plasma Physicsthumbnail of Fundamentals of Nuclear Science & Engineeringthumbnail of Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics(2008)thumbnail of Fundamentals of Electric Propulsion – Ion and Hall Thrustersthumbnail of Fuel Cell Handbook 2004thumbnail of Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physicsthumbnail of Engineering Thermodynamics (2010)thumbnail of Energy… beyond oilthumbnail of Encyclopedia of Energy – (Malestrom)thumbnail of EN08 Beta Spectrographthumbnail of Elementary Nuclear Theorythumbnail of Electron Cyclotron Heating of Plasmasthumbnail of ELECTRIC_DISCHARGE_DEVICE_FOR_PRODUCING_thumbnail of Een kernfusie conceptthumbnail of Dynamics of Nuclear Reactors(D.L.Hetrick)thumbnail of dosechart_sievert_2006thumbnail of dosechart_rem_2006thumbnail of DoseChart_2010thumbnail of DOE Tritium Handling and Safe Storagethumbnail of DOE Thermodynamics Vol 3thumbnail of DOE Thermodynamics Vol 2thumbnail of DOE Thermodynamics Vol 1thumbnail of DOE Radiological Controlthumbnail of DOE Nuclear Physics Vol 2thumbnail of DOE Nuclear Physics Vol 1thumbnail of DOE Mechanical Science Vol 2thumbnail of DOE Mechanical Science Vol 1thumbnail of DOE MathematicsA Vol 2thumbnail of DOE MathematicsA Vol 1thumbnail of DOE Instrumentation and Control Vol 2thumbnail of DOE Instrumentation and Control Vol 1 of 2thumbnail of DOE Classical Physicsthumbnail of DOE Chemistry Vol 2thumbnail of DOE Chemistry vol 1thumbnail of Direct Nuclear Reactionthumbnail of Device for thermonuclear fusionthumbnail of Dead Time Effects on Gamma Detectorsthumbnail of CENTRIFUGAL CONFINEMENT FOR FUSION THE MARYLAND CENTRIFUGAL TORUSthumbnail of Cambridge.Nucleosynthesis.And.Chemical.Evolution.Of.Galaxies.2nd.Edition.Feb.2009.eBook-ELOHiMthumbnail of AtoZofNBCwarfarethumbnail of atomic-powered submarine designthumbnail of Atomic Physicsthumbnail of AREA_SURVEYS_FOR_I125_USING_A_443thumbnail of An Introduction To Nuclear And Particle Physicsthumbnail of An Introduction to Inertial Confinement Fusion

Cancer risk lead 2210 and Polonium 210 Tobacco Smoke
Cancer risk lead 2210 and Polonium 210 Tobacco Smoke
thumbnail of M2_176

thumbnail of 9381-31656-1-PB thumbnail of ML110560301 thumbnail of 12632435

thumbnail of 05-DFP-015Final
Polonium-2I0 and Lead-210 in Food and Tobacco Products: A Review of Parameters and an Estimate of Potential Exposure and Dose A. P. Watson